Colin Skelton "Extended Minds, Talking Heads and Thinking Walks"

In this interactive workshop, will dive into the emerging opportunity to activate extended domains of our intelligence. How human will design thinking still be? Stand at the dawn of a new era and help shape the future. Don’t miss it!

“Adaptability is the capacity to move between your thinking-self and your feeling-self.“

Colin Skelton

About the speaker

As an applied theatre and embodiment practitioner for over 20 years, Colin is inspired to explore how thinking, creativity, and cognition are enhanced through intentional movement and physical constellations. He has also been a design thinking trainer for the last 6 years, having worked with the global agency, DesignThinkers Group. His facilitation style is a blended approach of storytelling, embodiment, improvisation, and creativity.

Check Colin’s TEDx Speech here: